What Happened in Gaza
November 7, 2023
There are more than 150 ethnic and tribal wars happening in the world today, and one of the worst set of encounters just happened in Israel and Gaza.
MoreNovember 7, 2023
There are more than 150 ethnic and tribal wars happening in the world today, and one of the worst set of encounters just happened in Israel and Gaza.
MoreOctober 3, 2023
Medicare Advantage has just saved the Medicare Trust Fund and we have more than 90 million low-income people getting continuously improving and badly needed care from Medicaid.
MoreAugust 14, 2023
The official announcement by CMS on May 31 set the Medicare Advantage actual risk level adjustment for the year at 4.44 percent.
MoreJuly 8, 2023
We all have the total package of instincts. We need to deal with that reality to create Peace in America.
MoreJune 7, 2023
The 2023 Medicare trustee report proves that Medicare Advantage is saving Medicare.