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The Fifth National Medicare Advantage Virtual Summit

Date: July 19, 2024

Venue: Virtual/Online

The fifth Medicare Advantage Virtual Summit ran from July 9–12. It featured nearly two dozen speakers who are heavily related in various ways to the Medicare Advantage Program.

George Halvorson, Chair of the Institute for InterGroup Understanding, was the lead speaker on the final day of the summit. He's been the CEO for a couple of Medicare programs and had five-star quality ratings for more than 1 million people.

Halvorson explained how Medicare Advantage has done wonderful work for 6.5 million of the lowest income Medicare members, who also are eligible for the Medicaid program because of their health needs and low income levels.

George Halvorson's Peresentation at the Virtusl Fifth National Medicare Advantage Summit

Halvorson proved that Medicare Advantage costs less than fee-for-service Medicare and has much better benefits and much better care. He also explained why our lowest income retirees need the Medicare Advantage benefit set for dental, vision, and hearing care, which doesn't exist at any level in traditional fee-for-service Medicare. He also explained that the plans have massive life-changing impacts for the people most likely to have amputations — and changes those lives as well.

The presentation was well received.

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