The Fifth National Medicare Advantage Virtual Summit
Date: July 19, 2024
George Halvorson, Chair of the Institute for InterGroup Understanding was the lead speaker on the final day of the summit.
MoreDate: July 19, 2024
George Halvorson, Chair of the Institute for InterGroup Understanding was the lead speaker on the final day of the summit.
MoreDate: May 3, 2023
We were honored to sponsor the Alliance for Peacebuilding's 11th annual PeaceCon.
MoreDate: January 26, 2022
Institute for InterGroup Understanding CEO George C. Halvorson spoke at PeaceCon@10: COVID, Climate, and Conflict: Rising to the Challenges of a Disrupted World.
MoreDate: October 16, 2021
Listen to Institute for InterGroup Understanding Chair and CEO George C. Halvorson discuss workplace diversity, the importance of continuously improving health care, and more during his SoundCloud interview on The Inclusive Voice.
MoreDate: August 9, 2021
George Halvorson, Chair and CEO of the Institute for InterGroup Understanding, accepted the HIMSS Changemaker Lifetime Achievement Award.
MoreDate: April 29, 2021
Institute Chair and CEO George C. Halvorson discussed how linking early childhood brain development to social determinants can ensure equal opportunities for children.
MoreDate: March 24, 2021
Institute for InterGroup Understanding Chair and CEO George C. Halvorson was the closing keynote speaker, delivering a talk titled “Using Data and Information to Improve Health."
MoreDate: February 23, 2021
This event showcased the significance data interoperability has to eliminate healthcare disparities in the country and highlighted data-centric solutions that have emerged to support and encourage health equity.
MoreDate: December 7, 2020
The Institute for InterGroup Understanding sponsored PeaceCon 2020 to help bring together experts and practitioners to consider the interplay of justice and peacebuilding, and strategies to elevate and integrate peacebuilding in our collective effort to shape a more just, secure and peaceful future in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic.
MoreDate: October 13, 2020
Covid-19 Lessons and Innovation from Around the World
MoreDate: May 4, 2020
On May 6, 2020, Institute Chair George C. Halvorson spoke at WEDI 2020 Virtual, which featured 9 sessions over 3 days and offered healthcare professionals the latest information to aid them in resolving current data exchange-related roadblocks and pushing the industry toward administrative automation.
MoreDate: March 9, 2020
Institute for InterGroup Understanding Chair and CEO George C. Halvorson was a keynote speaker at HIMSS20.
MoreDate: November 5, 2019
Institute Chair George C. Halvorson was Keynote Speaker at the HiMSS annual innovations meeting of executives and decision makers in German healthcare.
MoreDate: October 16, 2019
A series of special events featuring early childhood advocate, author and founder of Three Key Years — George C. Halvorson.
MoreDate: October 2, 2019
The Institute for InterGroup Understanding sponsored PeaceCon 2019. Together, we continue to work toward addressing the most pressing issues in the peacebuilding field and elevating our policies and innovative practices.
MoreDate: June 23, 2019
The International Federation of Health Plans held its annual meeting for senior leadership and board members June 23, 2019, in Budapest.
MoreDate: June 11, 2019
Opening speaker George Halvorson discussed how accessible data can help eliminate health care disparities in America.
MoreDate: October 24, 2018
The Institute focuses on inter group understanding, and the sad truth is that we are tribalizing as a nation and as a world in dangerous and damaging ways. We need to understand both why that is happening and what we can do to create inter group Peace in our settings, rather than seeing an expansion of inter group anger, inter group distrust, and various levels of intentionally evil inter group behavior in multiple settings.
MoreDate: October 20, 2018
Institute Chair George C. Halvorson presented his Medicare Advantage for All proposal in response to other speakers advocating for Medicare for All.
MoreDate: October 19, 2018
Institute Chair George C. Halvorson introduced Dr. Beebe’s presentation on her pioneering research, which was followed by a discussion with AEI’s Katharine B. Stevens.
MoreDate: July 7, 2018
The Institute for InterGroup Understanding supported IPSI's 2018 Sarajevo Symposium in July, 2018.
MoreDate: June 28, 2018
A special webinar featuring the Three Key Years campaign.
MoreDate: June 4, 2018
As a prior honoree of the Vision and Excellence in Healthcare Leadership Award, Institute Chair and CEO George C. Halvorson gave a speech as an honorary Tribute Co-Chair for the dinner.
MoreDate: May 10, 2018
Institute for InterGroup Understanding Chair George C. Halvorson participated in panel of industry stakeholders predicting how the healthcare industry will transform in the next five to ten years — largely because of growth in technologies like artificial intelligence (AI).
MoreDate: April 10, 2018
First 5 California announced its third Child Health, Education, and Care Summit, April 10–12, 2018.
MoreDate: April 9, 2018
Advancing the bold ideas we need for America’s next health system.
MoreDate: January 1, 2018
Four important, special, and explicitly honored days anchor the annual calendar for the Coalition for Ethical and Enlightened Instinctivism as a movement and as a working agenda for the people who want to work together to achieve win/win. Peace is — at its core — an enlightened, noble, and even sacred mission, and it makes sense to have designated days to celebrate and honor that mission, and to affirm that commitment and understanding by the people who want to make Peace a reality for our communities and our country.
MoreDate: November 29, 2017
Institute for InterGroup Understanding CEO and Chair George C. Halvorson provided material and encouragement for the Parents as Teachers 2017 International Conference.
MoreDate: November 29, 2017
Institute for InterGroup Understanding CEO and Chair George C. Halvorosn attended the event and signed copies of his paramount book on early childhood education and brain development, "Three Key Years."
MoreDate: November 16, 2017
The Institute for InterGroup Understanding was proud to participate in the World Academy of Art and Science's second international conference on future education in Rome, Italy.
MoreDate: October 11, 2017
The Institute for InterGroup Understanding once again sponsored the annual Alliance for Peacebuilding conference in Washington, D.C. in October.
MoreDate: October 10, 2017
Institute Chair George Halvorson spoke at SOCAP to help charitable foundations that grant making social services better understand the importance of brain development for children in their first three months and first three years of life.
MoreDate: September 22, 2017
Jointly sponsored by Alameda County's Fathers Corps, First 5 Alameda County, and the Alameda County Interagency Children's Policy Council, the action summit brought together leaders from public systems and community based organizations to discuss strategies to increase and improve services and identify needed policy shifts, to better support Alameda County fathers.
MoreDate: September 13, 2017
America Walks was excited to announce the 2017 National Walking Summit held in St. Paul, MN from September 13-15, 2017.
MoreDate: May 15, 2017
At the 2017 Workgroup for Electronic Data Interchange (WEDI) annual conference, InterGroup Institute Chair George C. Halvorson delivered a speech to inspire attendees, and demonstrate the many ways health IT has been so important to the success of HealthPartners and Kaiser, as well as provide recommendations for WEDI constituents to consider.
MoreDate: May 2, 2017
More than 1,000 attendees learned, networked and built business relationships with key leaders of companies that have demonstrated leadership and commitment to diversity and inclusion.
MoreDate: February 9, 2017
InterGroup Institute Chair George C. Halvorson joined a planning group for Providence St. Joseph Health’s Institute for Mental Health and Wellness and participated in their Discovery Summit for a conversation of the significance on the mental, social, and spiritual health of our nation.
MoreDate: December 7, 2016
ZERO TO THREE’s annual multidisciplinary education and networking event (formerly NTI) for early childhood professionals took place December 7–9 in New Orleans.
MoreDate: November 28, 2016
InterGroup Institute Chair George C. Halvorson gave a special presentation as keynote speaker about supporting and helping every child in America as well as issues on ethnic conflict.
MoreDate: November 1, 2016
InterGroup Institute Chair and CEO George C. Halvorson was the keynote speaker at Bright Futures Begin at Birth, an event bringing together health care and public service providers, educators and parents to learn about successful, collaborative initiatives in California and here in Minnesota that focus on giving children the best start possible.
MoreDate: October 26, 2016
Institute for Intergroup Understanding Chair George C. Halvorson spoke to Medicaid leaders about child brain development.
MoreDate: September 24, 2016
InterGroup Institute Chair and CEO George C. Halvorson and his lovely wife Lorie attended an event with President Obama prior to the museum's opening ceremony and celebratory dinner. The museum says it will open the doors with extended visiting hours and a three-day festival showcasing films, popular music, dance and other attractions. Museums around the country and in Africa also plan to host accompanying events at their locations as a welcoming salute.
MoreDate: September 17, 2016
Institute for InterGroup Understanding Chair George C. Halvorson spoke at the annual Network of Ethnic Physicians' Organization's 2016 Building Healthy Communities Summit.
MoreDate: September 14, 2016
Institute for InterGroup Understanding Chair George C. Halvorson Spoke at the Mayo Clinic’s annual Transform conference.
MoreDate: June 16, 2016
George C. Halvorson received a lifetime achievement award from the National Medical Fellowships in recognition of his efforts involving health care disparities in care delivery. The event will include a discussion of his book, Three Key Years.
MoreDate: May 25, 2016
Institute for InterGroup Understanding Chair George C. Halvorson appeared on The Dr. Oz Show to discuss his book, Three Key Years, and the importance of early childhood education.
MoreDate: May 24, 2016
The Institute for InterGroup Understanding co-sponsored The Alliance for Peacebuilding’s annual 2016 conference on May 25 and 26 in Washington, D.C. The InterGroup Institute also provided copies of George C. Halvorson's book, "The Art of InterGroup Peace," to all attendees.
MoreDate: May 23, 2016
Three Key Years video-conference book briefing for early childhood staff and analysts at New America Foundation ~ Invitation Only
MoreDate: May 5, 2016
The annual Kaiser Permanente community benefit leadership summit was held on May 5. The summit activities included awarding the first ever George Halvorson Community Benefit Leadership Award to a Kaiser Permanente staff member who has performed exceptional community service, either during the prior year or over the course of his or her career. The event included community benefit leaders from all Kaiser Permanente Regions.
MoreDate: April 19, 2016
Luncheon Keynote George C. Halvorson spoke at Diversity Inc. April 19 for their Top 50 Event and Learning Session. More than 1,000 senior executives were there to network and build business relationships with key leaders of companies that have demonstrated leadership and commitment to diversity and inclusion.
MoreDate: April 11, 2016
California just passed the most comprehensive parental leave bill in America. Institute Chair George C. Halvorson attended the signing with Governor Brown, and supported the bill during the legislative process in his role as Commission Chair.
MoreDate: March 22, 2016
George C. Halvorson spoke at the American Enterprise Institute's policy development meeting, which focused on Early Childhood Learning and included a discussion of his book Three Key Years.
MoreDate: March 7, 2016
Institute for InterGroup Understanding Founder and CEO George C. Halvorson spoke about brain development in the first three years of life at the California Association of African-American Superintendents and Administrators’ (CAAASA) annual meeting.
MoreDate: January 15, 2016
The Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Hospital and Community Health Foundation Boards of Directors joined in inviting George C. Halvorson to accept a very special honor: The 2016 Yancey Health Leadership Award.
MoreDate: January 13, 2016
The Raising of America series brings to life the classic economic studies of Perry Preschool and other initiatives conducted by Nobel laureate James Heckman, former Federal Reserve economist Arthur Rolnick, and others which illustrate how we can either invest early for success or pay more for failure later.
MoreDate: December 16, 2015
Meeting with group leaders and concerned parents about opportunities for early childhood development tied to the first three months and first three years of life.
MoreDate: November 23, 2015
The meeting for authors of books on group culture was set up to talk about the role and context of culture in organizational settings. Each author has done diagnostic and culture implementation work, as well as writing about those issues in books and articles. Each author has insights into how cultures work and how they can be improved. The purpose of the retreat is to improve each author’s understanding of those key issues.
MoreDate: October 29, 2015
Faith Leaders Early Childhood Brain Development Summit and Seminar | The White House Initiative on Educational Excellence for African Americans
MoreDate: October 29, 2015
Institute Chair George C. Halvorson gave a presentation to Health Care Leaders at the Modern Health Care Vision Summit about communication efforts relative to the Early Childhood Brain Development national public health campaign and about communications as a key tool for health care brand building.
MoreDate: October 13, 2015
The Too Small To Fail team visited sites and held a conference to demonstrate and discuss early childhood development successes in Tulsa, Oklahoma.
MoreDate: October 1, 2015
The Ready Nation coalition held their annual business leadership summit in New York City. Three Key Years was discussed and electronic copies were made available.
MoreDate: September 25, 2015
Members of the California Right Start Commission met in San Francisco to discuss and approve their group recommendation about early childhood development and the California education and child support agendas to the people of California.
MoreDate: September 18, 2015
Institute Chair George C. Halvorson spoke at the annual Network of Ethnic Physicians Organization's 2015 Building Healthy Communities Summit.