January 6, 2025
If we make the wrong decisions, we could be headed for a future of anger, division, and serious damage for ourselves, our families, and for the futures of our children and our grandchildren.
June 22, 2024
Medicare Advantage helps millions of low-income people with no pensions and no structured or supported retirement funds who get services from the plans that make their lives better at important and relevant levels after they retire and become, and continue to be, members of the plans.
March 21, 2024
Covering low-income people was the first, highest, most important and most immediate priority for the overall Affordable Care Act and plan for the country.
January 27, 2024
We live in a world where alpha instincts shape behaviors in many important and foundational ways. We need to steer, channel, understand, and effectively and intentionally utilize those instincts to create an optimal and peaceful future for us all.
November 7, 2023
There are more than 150 ethnic and tribal wars happening in the world today, and one of the worst set of encounters just happened in Israel and Gaza.