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We Need Faith Groups and Science to Work Together to Create Peace

We need faith groups to be aligned with Peace groups and with Peace efforts and with the current and actual scientific community at core levels to create and protect Peace for us as a country in these troubled and challenging times.

We need faith and science to be a functioning team for Peace.

We should be able to achieve that goal with the information and knowledge we have today and now.

We have reached the point where we can make it clear to people of faith that it is increasingly clear and obvious that quantum physics, quantum biology, and quantum socio biology are all tool kits that were given to us all as intentional and explicit gifts from God.

We should use those gifts to create Peace for all groups and we need to do it in ways that can and will keep us from damaging each other in all of the ways that can far too easily happen if we allow our worst and most damaging tribal instincts to create our agendas, thoughts, emotions, values and behaviors as individuals and as groups and then have those negative instincts steer and then direct how we use both science and our core beliefs in our settings and our world.

The gifts are increasingly clear because we are at a golden place of learning in so many areas of our creation.

DNA and RNA are obviously codes that are gifts to our world.

Quantum physics is increasingly wonderful and it's also obviously a package of functional gifts.

We have growing layers of amazing formulas, equations and quantum tools that let us build lasers, computers, imaging processes, communication devices, linkages and approaches, energy sources, and multiple kinds of chemical and energy-based weapons and tools — and we need to use those gifts in those areas in intentional ways to create the best futures we can create for ourselves and to be good stewards of the planet that we have been given to live on today.

We should be using that tool kit with its marvelous complexity to help us deal with the energy, pollution and environmental issues that loom ahead with increasing levels of threat and with growing concern for our future as inhabitants and stewards of this Eden that is our planet.

We also now know that we have new levels of biological tools that let us understand DNA and RNA at the most foundational and detailed levels — and we can actually now, if we want to do that, use those tools to change our own DNA and to functionally direct and steer our own biological evolution as a species in intentional ways for the first time in our history.

We have now evolved intellectually and functionally to the point where we could now actually evolve biologically as a species in a wide variety of ways if we choose to do that.

The new CRISPR tool kit is a just-in-time discovery because it lets us build vaccines that use our RNA to instruct our bodies in how to respond to that new virus and we now understand both DNA and RNA at the most detailed levels of their codes and processes in ways that let us steer our biology as directly as we steer our quantum physics tool kit.

Because we have that knowledge and because we now know absolutely from our understanding of those codes and of the various component parts of the process — including the 25 million enzymes that we now know are embedded in each of us as humans by that process — it is also now clearer to us that we have grown far past classic

Darwinian theory and beliefs and none of those processes exist and are in place with their obviously interlocking functionality exclusively because of classic Darwinian serendipitous and purely situational processes.

We have grown past Darwinism in our science and beliefs.

We Have Grown Past Darwin

Classic evolutionary theory that guided our thinking for a century is now enhanced, surpassed, and significantly improved by our actual functional understanding of the core elements of biological science. We now know that those actual and basic biological processes are all dependent on codes and that fact and that reality tells us important things about what those processes are and where they originated.

That is extremely important information for us to know.

The codes that guide our lives and other living beings are clearly and obviously not accidental or somehow serendipitous. Mutations and random events did not create either species or Us. We have codes at our core that create species and Us, and we know what those codes are, and we increasingly understand what those codes do.

Classic Darwinian mutations do not create codes.

Codes are always tools. They are inherently and innately intentional. They never spring into existence anywhere on their own. All codes exist as messengers and as building, steering and directional tools — and we now should all move on to the next perception of the next level theory of Evolution that is now based on the actual tool kits that we now know that we have and on our growing understanding of how those tools and codes actually work.

Quantum Physics is Also a Gift from God

We currently have growing awareness and increasing knowledge that the elements of quantum physics that we have generations of geniuses almost obsessively unraveling and documenting the formulas that underlie all of those realities in Physics are also intertwined and embedded with key element of our biological programing for the processes of life — and we now have been learning that processes like photosynthesis and even the synchronous flights of birds are part of a fabric of interactions with quantum linkages rather than being separate historical, situational and coincidentally happening processes and events that somehow function on their own in each setting.

We now know that the extensive new science in both physics and biology function as an overall package and fabric of reality, and it's clear that the key functional components for both of those components of reality have been designed and coded into approaches that we can interact with as part of our stewardship of this planet and our conscious components of that reality.

Our science is at a golden age for seeing how those processes functionally work in our real world.

We know that the basic functional patterns that exist in physics and biology are very definitely part of who we are as humans and people — and we also now need to know and should recognize, understand, accept, and deal in effective and positive ways with the fact that we people are as programmed in our own behavioral ways as the microbes and the quarks — with instincts to be hierarchical, tribal, territorial, and possessive at multiple levels all steering our cultures, behaviors, emotions and beliefs on a constant basis and giving our consciousness a context for its functionality and processes.

We need to understand our instincts and we need to use them to improve our lives and to create Peace in our settings.

Our religious groups, organizations, settings, communities, and beliefs tend to all fit into those powerful and obvious sociobiological patterns and into that powerful instinctive programming that we all have, and we need to know that those instincts are extremely relevant and important to the Peace processes we have in front of us today.

We can use that knowledge of both science and our instinctive patterns of behavior as a package to help create safety, success, and Peace in our settings.

We need to do that now because the new tools are so powerful that they increase the potential damage that can be done — and because we have some people today angry at each other by groups who can steer that anger into very damaging situations for us all.

We need to get as many of the people who say they are faith-based in their lives and beliefs to also have a sense that we are all stewards of these gifts, and we should have our faith-based groups allied with each other and not using tribal identity by faith or group as a context and incentive to do damage to other people in any of our settings.

Ideally, we should have Christians who believe in Jesus Christ to accept the words of Jesus and to accept the Lord’s Prayer as daily guidance as he asked people to do and then interact accordingly.

That is sometimes hard for people to do — and we run some risk of people being damaged by tribal behavior even though they say they have faith as their core value and belief, and then name Jesus as their belief.

We Are At Risk of Doing Damage By Tribe Today

We need to create Peace for our country and our planet, because we're at very real risk of going down some very dangerous and ugly paths if we allow our instincts to take us to the worse possible behaviors and outcomes in all of our settings. The danger we face is that many of those very ugly and damaging behaviors will feel very seductive and attractive to too many people if we start down those paths and let our worst tribal instincts steer and direct us in wrong and dangerous directions.

Our religious beliefs can both help us and hurt us relative to those interactions and behaviors, and we need to make those beliefs a key component of our Peace agenda for our communities, our country, and the world and steer them to Peaceful outcomes.

We have alpha leaders in religious settings and in various other group and community settings who can lead us both to saintly, loving, enlightened and accepting behaviors, or who can lead us to anger, distrust, and even conflict in ways that can feel too right to the people in those settings who have those instincts in gear and that provide instinctive reinforcement for the Alpha leaders steering us down those paths.

Our challenge that we need to recognize today is that we are very much at risk as a country if we don’t get some key things right at this point in time.

We should get those key things right because we have the ability to be a country that's the most enlightened and mutually beneficial country on the planet — with E Pluribus Unum as our motto, slogan, and even agenda.

We also have the ability to tribalize, dislike, reject, fear, and even damage people who we identify as being from another tribe in the most negative ways that will significantly reduce the likelihood that our children and grandchildren will be a people at Peace with itself, and to create hatreds that makes damaging and even evil behavior the normal interactions for too many people in too many settings.

Faith Groups Should Support Peace

Faith groups should support Peace. That’s what I'm arguing and saying next week at the PeaceCon annual meeting.

We need each of our faith groups to come together to steer us to inter group Peace and we need the leaders of the faith groups to strongly support the science that gives us quantum science and quantum biology and even quantum sociobiology as being very intentional gifts from God that we can access and we can use from each of our beliefs.

That set of concerns and inter group behaviors is relevant to the discussions that we're having at PeaceCon.

This piece now describes the overall faith and scientific agenda, and it was written originally to be a PeaceCon discussion background piece for a PeaceCon presentation and discussion.

This session of this PeaceCon conference is addressing some of the faith group alignment opportunities and issues. As a Peace organization, we need all faith groups to rise to their higher and most enlightened sets of values and to support the Peace process in all of the ways that are needed to make it succeed.

We are more likely to succeed if we have the faith groups and the Peace groups aligned. We need to take advantage of the fact that many of our best scientists are also supportive of that linked agenda. George Ellis and Frank Wilczeck are two of the Nobel-level scientists who have written books and shared their learning in those areas.

We need the scientists in each of our key fields to give us their best tools — and we will be well served if increasing numbers of our science leaders to accept their roles in helping us channel our best tools right now in the interest of us all achieving inter group Peace and group safety in our settings.

Francis Collins and Perry Marshall have written books that steer us in very useful ways in those directions.

PeaceCon is doing a session today on the links and connections between faith groups, science, and Peace that could and should offer key insights in those areas for us at some important levels.

We're discussing the fact that we are finally at the point where we can stop thinking of science and religion as going down separate and sometimes conflicted paths to the point where we can recognize that science in all of those dimensions is a gift from God and we can support the sense that each faith component and each faith tradition and belief can use that information about science being a gift to reinforce their own beliefs about the universe and the world we live in ways that feel right to each group and help us do the right things for each other and for ourselves in enlightened and supportive ways because we share that belief.

Quantum physics and quantum biology and quantum sociobiology and now quantum Metaphysics and quantum consciousness each flow from the science and link with the processes and clearly created patterns that we're blessed to have today as gifts from God.

Let’s use that package and those gifts to create, protect, and enhance Peace and to help create a reduction in the conflict we see in too many settings now, both in our own country and in the world around us.

Our social Media links recreate for us the instinctive and direct interactions that we used and enjoyed in the hut and cave. They give us a great set of tools that we can each use to have our personal impact of our settings and communities, and the world we live in today.

We need to spread this information to as many relevant people as we can, and we need to ask and steer our community leaders, faith leaders, and family leaders to understand these issues and opportunities and to do the right thing in each setting.

We need all of our social media links and venues to support Peace across all of our settings. We have wide arrays of linkages within the Instagram family and the TikTok groupings and the various Facebook alignments and groupings, and we need to build on those sets of linkages to share information about Peace.

The old Twitter alignment seems to be focused on various levels of inter group division and anger, but the new Bluesky linkages might turn out to have various Peace-related linkages and might become a source of support and information on those topics.

We need people in every faith group asking their faith leaders to support inter group Peace.

Leaders everywhere look for some levels of guidance and feedback from the people they lead to maintain their leader status with each group, and that behavior process and pattern actually gives you an opportunity to gently steer your settings down the paths of being grateful for all of the science and knowledge that we now have to use in each setting and to expect that we will interact with each other in respectful, effective, and caring ways for key areas of our lives.

Each person who understands this opportunity should expect to have both your media sources and leadership group knowing this information and doing the right things to make it happen.

We Need Peace for America

We need Peace in America.

We need Peace in our various communities and settings now.

We believers are poor stewards of those wonderful gifts if we can’t use them to build peace and do it together.

Peace in our time should be a blessing and a reality — not a defeatist, sad and ironic curse and punchline — and we need people of faith to be aligned with each other and with the full context of our current science in actually making it happen.

The area of quantum consciousness is hugely important as a next step in our processes and as part of the Peace tool kit.

Consciousness is embedded in all life.

We know that consciousness at some basic level is embedded in living things across every kind of life that we have detected on our planet.

Bacteria have been proven to be conscious of the environment they live in, and they respond in very direct ways to their world and material context. Viruses have their own functional consciousness and it's clear that they have the ability to perceive the world that they live in to the point that they can evolve their DNA in response to both threats and opportunities — and can become a different version of themselves to improve their chance of surviving in their settings.

Viruses have their own ability to change and evolve and to create different patterns in their DNA each time that level of evolution happens.

That responsive change process doesn’t happen with any of the old Darwinian random selection change models, but it does happen very regularly with connections that have to have a conscious connection tool embedded in them in order to exist and survive in those ways — and we know it happens because we can often see the results.

We know that’s true about conscious responsive reactions because we can see it happen and it’s good to believe our own eyes.

We see things as human beings because we have conscious awareness and processes and abilities and thought processes that make us a very special and interactive part of Creation.

Free will is part of that package.

Conscious Stewardship Should Be Our Strategy and Goal

We humans seem to be the most conscious living beings in the universe — and we actually each have billions and billions of neuron connections in our brains that are actually as extensive in each of our minds as there are galaxies in the universe.

Those are real and amazing numbers in both directions and for both realities.

There is a nice symmetry and a kind of balance that we can see from our tiny brains having galaxy-level quantities of neuron connections that enable us to be who we are and allow and enable us to function, think, and believe.

We're amazing creatures and we seem to be the only living thing that not only does mathematics and scientific experiments, but who does them in highly structured and almost obsessive ways across all of our settings and functional realities for our world — and who loves the learning that results for those processes.

We love the process of learning, and we work extremely hard to create science at multiple levels and to understand the world we live in at both a functional and quantum level today.

That learning allows us to steer other elements of creation down paths that we want steerage to happen.

We do lasers and computers, and we're now working so well with our computers today that we're currently creating extremely powerful artificial intelligence tools that might have the power to destroy other life on the planet we call home if we have people with bad aspirations and bad motivations somehow given control or influence over those tools and processes and then steering them in wrong directions.

We don't want the wrong people to steer artificial intelligence into the future.

We should have better science, better processes, better diagnosis, better health care, and better support systems that have artificial intelligence supporting them at multiple levels.

When we use artificial intelligence (AI) for the thought processes, we should add the Inter group Understanding books and thought pieces on values, truth, and enlightened behaviors added to their database for their planning. AI should become a tool for Peace.

We should prioritize our survival and we should steer the processes in the right directions for all aspects of who we are and what we do.

All of the processes and codes and tools and mathematics are a Gift from God, and we should use those tools well.

We should want to have our own species survive and prosper and thrive on the planet we live in — and we should have both our science and our faith groups and processes aligned to make that happen — and aligned to do loving and enlightened things for each other in each of our settings.

As a PeaceCon agenda and as an overall intellectual and emotional and ethical approach to life, we should get our religious leaders — who all should be able to see the gifts we have from God in all of those areas — to decide and agree that the leaders in each setting should act in enlightened and positive and beneficial ways and should encourage the people who believe in their faith to align with other groups in each setting to create inter group Peace.

The sad truth is that far too many religious leaders in too many settings tribalize and buy into the worst Us-Them packages of instincts and often into their own activated Alpha instinct packages do things to get their people in their group to harm other people in their settings and world.

That’s unfortunate and, I believe, wrong.

I personally believe that we've been given this world and this universe as a gift from God and we should each be good stewards of that gift.

Every faith can be stewards of this world and this creation for their faith.

My personal alignment is with the Christian faith and with a belief that the actual words of Christ that have survived and are found in our holy book and that teach us to be gentle and loving and accepting of the other people in our world are the right things to do and should be a template for all of us to see the other faiths and their leaders.

Other people have different beliefs, and I believe all should be respected and included in the various processes that we use to run our world. Every faith should be aligned with those goals and respected.

The Dalai Lama has written books that support that thinking.

I believe that Jesus was inclusive and I believe that I should lead my own life with the Lord’s Prayer as a daily guide and mantra for thinking and behaving.

Other faiths can also see that science and the universe and biological life are all gifts from God, and seeing that we have a shared gift can give us a context for accountability and interacting with one another.

We don’t need other religions to also believe that science is a gift from God to have faith-based agendas for Peace.

We need religions to jointly agree that Peace is the right outcome for every setting, and we need the leaders from every faith group to work together to make that happen.

That should be our goal. It feels very right to me and to us for the people in this alignment and setting. Please give it a try.

Bless us All, if we do this right.

We should have America be blessed with Peace and we should have everyone able to worship and interact in their own way in every setting with that as a goal.

Please read all of the Peace Thoughts from the Institute for InterGroup Understanding.