Reviews, Paradigms & Beliefs
Brain Development in Children is the Most Important Issue and Opportunity We Face as a People and a Nation

February 28, 2025
We face major difficulties for millions of our people for their entire lives because we don't help children in every group with the support needed to strengthen their brain in the first two years of their lives.
The Institute for InterGroup Understanding knows that we'll have an extremely difficult time creating Peace in America if we have the majority of our children from several key groups unable to read and do basic math at high enough levels for their entire lives.
The Institute website has focused on and featured that issue, and the website has a rich array of thought pieces, learning tools, and research elements and components that focus on those issues. Those pieces are shown below on this document.
The most recent major piece on early childhood learning for the institute ran this week, and a link to that piece is here: The Three Things We Should Do Now to Create Peace in America.
The cover links for the Institute have multiple connections dealing with those issues, and that includes a link to the Harvard Center for the Developing Child Brain Hero videothat makes the key points extremely well.
The pieces that were included in the website from the earliest days of the site began with: The First Three Years Are Golden and Essential Years for Avoiding Jail, which ran in April of 2015.
The next piece was this one: The Learning Gaps Continue — We Need to Act Now.
Check out the posts below for more information and enlightenment:
National Reading Scores Have Fallen to Record Low Levels and We Know Why
Mayo Clinic Grand Rounds Talk About Saving Kids
Saving All Children: The Strategy and The Commitment
Celebrating The New Three Key Years Website for Helping Kids
Not Teaching Parents About Early Brain Development Is A Massive and Damaging Public Health Failure
We Need Everyone To Understand The Impact of The First Weeks and First Months Of Life For Each Child
Dr. Beebe’s New Book Illustrates The Importance of Helping Kids In The First Months of Life
We Need to Help Every Family Help Every Child Exercise Their Brain
The Most Important Number in America Is Learning Readiness at Age 4
We Need To Fix The Learning Gaps Now
We Need to Save America by Helping Every Child in the First Years of Life
Cuddling Actually Strengthens Your Baby’s Genes
What does early childhood have to do with America’s workforce problem? A lot, actually
Breast-feeding, IQ, and Learning Levels for Children
Poverty Vaccine -- Reading to Children
Learning Gap Continues In Minnesota
From The Huffington Post:
Not Teaching Parents About Early Brain Development Is A Massive and Damaging Public Health Failure
Read/Talk/Sing -- To Build Strong Brains in Very Young Children