September 18, 2020
The Language of God by Dr. Francis Collins goes beyond science and directly addresses religion. The book has rich veins of data about the mathematics and various components of the universe.
September 15, 2020
Everything in the Universe — every element of matter and of energy, all quantum particles of waves, electrons, protons and quarks — and every component of biology, of DNA and RNA, and of life itself — Is all connected and it is all part of a creation fabric that is interwoven in intricate and clearly intentional and effective ways with itself.
September 14, 2020
We have very recently been blessed with a number of wonderful books that can help us become and stay grounded in our efforts to steer ourselves collectively to a future of safety, support, alignment, moral, and ethical growth and enlightenment — and to actual functional Inter Group Peace.
April 9, 2020
Isabel Wilkerson is a remarkable and thorough historian and an extremely clear writer. She goes back into American history with extreme competence derived from her long career as a journalist for a major newspaper.
April 8, 2020
The headline for the information that was sent out to African American newspapers by the NNPA Black Press Association about the COVID-19 impact said — State of Emergency Declared for Black America.