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Image for Read/Talk/Sing -- To Build Strong Brains in Very Young Children

Read/Talk/Sing -- To Build Strong Brains in Very Young Children

December 31, 2013

We now know that the first three years of life are the years when the brains of children build their internal connections and become strong. Children whose brains get exercise in the first three years of life have bigger brains -- and those children are more likely to stay in school, avoid challenging health situations, and literally stay out of jail.

Image for A Million Dollar Opportunity for Mothers

A Million Dollar Opportunity for Mothers

December 10, 2013

Brains are strengthened in the first three years of life. Those first three years give us a golden opportunity to strengthen the brain of each child. The children whose brains are strengthened by having their mother or other people read to them and talk to them every day from birth on are far less likely to drop out of school.

Image for The Time to Strengthen the Brains of Our Children Is Now -- Share That Information With Mothers and Families

The Time to Strengthen the Brains of Our Children Is Now -- Share That Information With Mothers and Families

December 10, 2013

Most people do not know how important the first three years of life are for the brain development of each child. Many people believe that kindergarten is the time when the education process begins. Those people are wrong. The process starts with birth. Brain strengthening and learning ability development literally start at birth. The first few years are critically important -- and we can now predict with a significant degree of accuracy by age three which children will not be able to read when they get to school.

Image for Kindergarten Is Too Late

Kindergarten Is Too Late

December 6, 2013

Kindergarten is too late for a lot of children. That is a sad but biologically accurate fact of life. The basic and most important mental development processes that are needed to help each child read, stay in school, and stay out of prison actually happen before the age of five.

Image for Brains Are Strengthened in the First Three Years of Life

Brains Are Strengthened in the First Three Years of Life

December 5, 2013

We have more people in prison in this country than any other country in the world. On a per capita basis, we imprison more than three times as many people as any other western country. Only Russia comes close to us in the number of prisoners per 1,000 citizens, and we significantly exceed them.
